Derived from the already common graduated elastic compression stockings for sports use, they use the same principle as compression therapy with a particular characteristic: exerting maximum pressure on the ankle which decreases going upwards towards the thigh, to facilitate the return of blood upwards. The compression strength is obtained from the number of millimetres of mercury (mmHg), the amount of elastic and the number of threads in the yarn (expressed in "Den" = Denier - unit of measurement that indicates the thickness of the thread used), used to manufacture the structure of the stocking itself. It is worth knowing that in international jurisprudence for this type of garment, elastic stockings that exert a pressure on the ankle of less than 6 mmHg are "quite normal" stockings, only more elastic, but without any additional properties; while therapeutic stockings can be defined as items that have a compression force on the ankle of between 6 and 20 mmHg. Sparco COMPRESSION stockings have a class 1 compression strength (> 21 mmHg) and are effective in preventing the development of circulatory problems and extremely effective in relieving the feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs.